We went to Easter service at Hope on Saturday. It was a bit of a challenge getting there since some little girl didn't want to wear the dress, patent leather shoes, or headband that I got for her. She did end up settling for the dress and shoes. I have a feeling that the headbutting between the two of us is just beginning! When we got to church, Sis was amazingly excited to see the Easter bunny there...so much that she growled at it! Too cute! The service was wonderful as always. Alexandria did pretty well through service until the music was all done. She doesn't do well in the nursery either, so it makes for a challenging time. She does seem to charm the people we sit by though.
On Sunday we headed up to Hubbard to have Easter at my mom's house. It was nice to see so much family! Renae and Jon were even able to come, which was nice. I know Mom and Mike were excited to have ALL of their grandchildren there, which hasn't happened in at least a couple years. After feasting on tons of delicious food, we went outside for an Easter egg hunt. It was so cute to watch! It was Alexandria's first egg hunt, so Kade helped her out. I wasn't sure what she would do but after the first egg was found she got into it and giggled and ran around the whole time. She loved it!! After nap time, we went out to the farm to see Brandon and Jess' critters. We got to see brand new baby kittens, baby calves, 5 dogs, and 2 horses. Sis was most intrigued with their house cat, which kept running away from her. Their new pup, Hank, seemed to take a liking to her. Since the wind was blowing 125 mph that afternoon we hung out inside for awhile and visited with Dad. Kade and Heath had gone out before us to shoot some clay pigeons. Kade got to shoot his shotgun for the first time, which he really enjoyed! It was a very good day and blessed Easter!!!
Sis in her Easter dress. |
What did the Easter bunny bring me???
Kade, Alexandria, Will and Holden posing after the hunt.
I see it, Kade!
Easter Love.
All of the grand kids: Jaxson, Holden, Will, Connor, Patrick, Abby, Kade, Alexandria, and Kenneth
Good form, Kade.
Shooting clay pigeons
Checking out the cows.
Where'd they go? |