Our little girl turned 2 last Saturday and we can't believe it! She is growing up way too fast! Her personality is really starting to come out...she is a good mixture of serious, mischievous, love, silliness, and independence all wrapped into one little being. We celebrated her birthday at the Radcliffe park and it worked out great. Her theme was Elmo this year because that is her sidekick as he goes everywhere with her! Most of the family was able to attend her party and help make it very special. She got so many nice things and wanted to play with it all right away. We left the majority of the gifts in their boxes until we move, so it will be like Christmas when we are able to get them out for her.
She had her 2 yr. check-up this week and did well. She told Dr. Gammon how old she is and was able to listen to her commands, which included showing her where her eyes are, opening her mouth and saying "ahhhh", and sticking out her tongue. Her current weight is 24.6 lbs. (23%ile) and her height is 33.5 in. (50%ile). The lab tech was also quite impressed with Alexandria during her finger poke as Alexandria did not cry and watched the lab tech squeeze her little finger to gather the blood. I think she was amazed by it...that's my girl! She cried more about the band aid than anything! :)
In the past couple weeks we have gotten rid of paci, which is a huge accomplishment. It went better than expected. She no longer asks for it and is sleeping well without it. YAY!!! 1 of my 2 goals met before baby comes. The next battle will be potty training. She is starting to show signs of wanting to try, but I'm not going to force it...we still have some time!
Our little sissy is so fun and we look forward to watching her grow and learn new things...it just needs to slow down a bit!
If I stand tall do I look 2? |
Sis loved playing at the park. |
I think these two had a bet on who has the brighter shirt. |
Al got some wheels from the Cathcarts. |
Sis was giving Brezzy some love before she took off for college. |
Sis loved her nursery rhyme Mother Goose from G&G Winter. |
She loves Minnie Mouse. |
Whooo, Thanks Grandma Renae, I love Elmo!!!!! |
Puzzle from the Cathcarts & chair from G&G Hendricks. |
I think she liked this one, we got a pose. |
This is hid till we move. She will love it, I promise that. |
Another hit, Puppy Purse from Aunt Jess & Uncle Bud. |
Cake made by Mommy's patient. |
Devon drives tow truck, hence Mater from the movie Cars. |
Happy Birthday Princess. |
Sis didn't quite know what to think about all the singing. |
Sis loves her Big Big brother. Didn't take her long to boss him around. |