We are very hopeful that spring is here and to stay! We have gotten out for a couple stroller walks, which Alexandria loves. She pretty much just lays back, relaxes, and takes everything in. With spring we are hoping that health comes with it. Alexandria is still battling her initial ear infection, which was 2 months ago. Her right ear has cleared up but the left one continues to be infected. Her eardrum ruptured this morning, luckily Heath was already taking her to the Dr. to get her ears rechecked today. She had to get a shot of Rocephin, another one tomorrow, and the 3rd one on Thursday. No fun! But, we are hoping this takes care of it, otherwise we have 1 more antibiotic to try and then it's tubes. She is also getting ear drops for a week. She has shown no signs of being in pain and hasn't ran a fever...poor punkin. On the brighter side of things, we have been working on her sitting skills which are really improving. She just has not shown much interest in sitting by herself. When everyone asks, "How old is she?" and I say "7 months", the next question is usually "oh, is she sitting and crawling?" and I have to say "nope". I think we have only seen her roll 2 times...but, I've been told that she does all the time at daycare. Being a PT I'm totally aware of the developmental milestones and when your own child isn't hitting them I have to start my own therapy sessions with her. I know there is nothing to be concerned about because she will do things when she is good and ready. She has already started to show us a little taste of her stubborn personality...hmmm...wonder where she could've gotten that from?!
Kade was on spring break all last week and got to go have some fun with the Cathcarts at the indoor waterpark in Des Moines. He had a blast!
Happy Spring!!!!
LOVE the videos. The one of Kade when he was little was adorable and priceless! Loved how he yelled the last word of the songs. . . too funny.