All I gotta say is this so called spring weather we are having is no fun...winter just does not want to let go! We didn't have the best weather this weekend either, so we pretty much stayed indoors again. Friday evening we did jaunt over to Altoona for Heath's Aunt Lavenia and Uncle Ed's 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration. It was nice and they had a good turnout. We had to cut our time short due to lil' Miss Alexandria as it was past her bedtime. It sure is nice that she is so scheduled and predictable, but it also makes doing anything around her nap time and/or bedtime very tricky. Saturday Alexandria and I stuck around home while daddy and Kade ran some errands. That evening we went to Palm Sunday service at church. This Monday I got to stay home with my darling because we didn't have daycare, so I took the day off. We had fun and did some errands around town. She was very good and enjoyed helping mommy shop! She also turned 8 months on Monday, so it was an extra special day!!
Alexandria is back on antibiotics for yet another double ear infection...ugh! I just knew it was back when she started crying when I lied her down and when she wasn't eating as much. We have a follow-up with her Dr. next week and I'm going to discuss the option of getting tubes. I have a feeling that these are not going to go away and I really do not want her on antibiotics all the time nor do I want her to have any permanent ear damage.
Well, that's it in our world. I sure hope everyone has a great week and enjoys Easter this weekend. Blessings.
Hanging with my Sisarella. |
Al with her J.D. due rag. |
Al loves to play & drool. |
We've added a Blue Heron to our collection of animals to visit our house. |
That blue heron is so cool!! Oh, and Alexandria is pretty cool too :)