On Friday I went to a wedding reception for a girl that I work with. Her and her husband got married out in Colorado the same weekend my bro got married and then came back home to have their reception. It was a nice time and she looked wonderful. It was pretty cool because during the father-daughter dance they were dancing to Butterfly Kisses and then they had some "technical" difficulties where the music switched to Thriller. Bobbi and her dad then did the choreography to it...it was awesome! Nobody knew that they were going to do that. They did it again and went into a line dance and then ended with Butterfly Kisses. It was really fun to watch!
Saturday Mom, Grandma and Wendy stopped by for a quick visit before they headed out shopping. That evening we went to visit Steve and Heidi Henning and their new baby girl, Joelle. We took them supper and dessert, which I think they really appreciated. I felt like that was one of the best gifts we could give them. Joelle is just a sweet little punkin. She is sooo little! Alexandria looked humongous next to her. Joelle was about the same size as Alexandria was when she was born, but I don't remember Alexandria being that tiny. Oh, how I hate that I have already forgotten and it was only 10.5 months ago! Ugh...I just want to bottle every memory up and hold on tight to it. Everyone said that they change so fast and grow up right before your eyes and it is so true.
Sunday we had a glimpse of the sun for awhile in between rain showers, so we took full advantage of it and got Alexandria's pool out. Boy did she have fun in that! She was screeching so loud at one point our neighbor had to come out and see what was going on. Kade even got in the pool for a little while with her! I think she is going to be a little fish!
Sissy at the Main Beach. |
AL loves the bubbles. |
Alexandria had her own personal life guard. |
Grass. |
Not only is he a life guard, Bug doubles as our garden protector. |
Yay!!! Glad she loves the pool. Super cute pictures!