Our baby girl turned 1 last Thursday! I can't believe that she has been with us a whole year already!! I can barely remember my life without her...and when she's not around....I don't know what to do sometimes. She is turning into such a fun loving little girl. She is a sensitive little thing and we believe she is going to be a girly girl...which is totally ok. It's just hard to believe because I wasn't like that when I was little, but she is definitely her own little person, which is the way we want it! We threw her a party with all of our family in our garage. Daddy worked very hard to clean it all out and we decorated it all up. Her birthday party theme was "flower power". I had it in my head that I was going to make her first cake because I wanted it to be special. My sister always makes her boys' birthday cakes and they turn out so good, so I thought I could do it to. Steph got the cake pan for me, I got specific instructions from her and followed everything to the T. I took 1/2 a day off of work to come home on Friday and decorate it all up. I got the frosting all made, my colors that I wanted and I worked for 1.5 hours on it and the frosting all started running down the side of it, the colors started blending together and it looked awful! I was SO frustrated...so, instead of crying...I threw it in the trash, laughed and called Hy-Vee! Hy-Vee to the rescue!!! They even made her a little cake for free, so I was totally off the hook. It was like my stress was immediately gone! I've decided that I need to take a cake decorating class before her 2nd birthday! We had a beautiful day for her party! She did pretty good with all the company, but was totally wiped out when everyone left.
Sunday afternoon was Jaxson's 5th birthday party. His cake was Batman and it turned out great...and it wasn't from Hy-Vee!
Today I took the day off from work to recover from our crazy weekend and to take Alexandria to her 1 yr. appointment. She is now 19 lbs. 4 oz. (20%ile) and 30.5 inches long (89 %ile). She continues to be our little string bean!
Kade made a sign for his sister. |
Bright 'n early- Birthday girl and 7th grader. |
Bug ready to take on the 7th grade!!! |
Breezy made the other half of the sign. Lets Party!!!!
Guess who. |
Sis loved her Shara Tiara. |
Whooooo!!!! |
Al's favorite gift!!! |
Alexandria sure knows how to get the party going. |
Whoa, fire!!! |
How'd you do that mommy? |
Al started out eating so dainty.......... |
Awe forget the hands, they just get in the way!!! |
The end!!!! |
Sis loves her wagon. |
Taking Diamond for a ride. |
Thanks Uncle Brandon & Aunt Jess, I love my pony!!! |
4 generations. |
We gave Jaxson a Transformer for his birthday. |
Once again Papa Choo Choo had all the fun!!! |
Oh Diamond, I love you!!! |