Monday, August 8, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

We had a very busy, but fun weekend!  Saturday we headed back to Hubbard for some family time.  We made a quick stop by the Hubbard Care Center to see Grandma Renae hard at work.  Then it was off to Grandpa and Grandma Winter's house for a visit and to open up her first birthday presents.  We spent the majority of the afternoon at the Hubbard Park for a Buckley family reunion.  It was a very nice day, which was great for all the kids to play.  Alexandria was pretty tired and clingy the whole time.  She has definitely hit the clingy stage, which makes enjoying family time a little more challenging.  After the park, we stopped quick to see Great Grandpa Dougan since we were WAY past nap time and it didn't matter anymore.  Great Grandpa was thrilled that we stopped by.  Sunday was spent getting Kade ready and sent off to Bible camp at Riverside. This year he was a lot less anxious about going as he is no longer a rookie.  I think he'll have a great time this year as there are no floods in the forecast, the weather is supposed to be great, there will be familiar faces, he's set up for a horseback ride, and he isn't constantly wondering if his sister is being born.  Enjoy all the pics!!!                                                                        

Trying to make Grandma's day!!!
Kade is quite the tourist.
Papa Choo Choo is a little bug eyed.
Sis got an early gift from G&G Winter.
Al got her own camping chair.
These two don't love each other, do they?
This looks safe and fun.
Sis found bug's goggles......
and a new hair-do.
Kade don't forget these for camp....
and don't forget me!!!!
We did a lot of horsing around this weekend.......
and someone was doing a lot of standing around.

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