Our "not so little" man entered this world on Sunday Jan. 6th, 2013 at 1:01pm. He was 12 days early. He weighed 8lbs. 12 oz. and was 20.5 in. long. So far he is a great baby! He only cries if he is hungry, cold, or needs to burp. Big sis is still getting used to him. Each day she likes him a little more. We still have instances where she says "my mommy" or "my daddy". She likes to help and is very curious about everything that I do with him. She likes to help hold the bottle and get the diaper supplies out. Heath was able to take 1 1/2 weeks off to stay home, which has been great!
Parker's birthday is very special to us as it is also my Grandpa Winter's birthday...he would've been 103 on Jan. 6th. Parker also shares one of his middle names (James) with Heath's Grandpa James Dougan who passed away this summer. We've had people ask about "why the 2 middle names?" It was a compromise on Heath and my part. I wanted his name to be Parker James, but Heath wanted all of his children to have Alexander in it, which I totally understood. So, since I got to pick the first name, we went with both middle names. Yes, this kid will have a hard time learning his long name, but it's special and how often will he have to write it anyways??
Enjoy all the pics!!
Mommy & Parker looking good after the big dance. |
God has blessed me again!!!!! |
Bug & Little P. |
Big lug, little slug.
Parker & his big Sis. |
G.G. Winter. |
The first meeting. Sis was very tired and didn't know what to think. |
This one makes me tear up. I have been blessed with beautiful children. Each very different but all with big hearts. |
Hoping Sis will love little bro as much as big bro. |
Thought we were going to have to call security on this Grandparent. (Kidnapping threats-multiple). |
G. Hendricks. |
Getting printed. |
First bath. |
First outfit + a sweet hat. |
Watched this baby snatching Aunty close too. |
Going home outfit. |
Definition of tired. |
Cheese. |
Saddled up for my ride home. |
Howdy. |
Bug just wants to hold him and feed him. He is my Love Bug. |
Minnie Me getting into the action. She has to help or there is trouble.
Sis wanted to wear little P's bib. |
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