Saturday, September 21, 2013

8 months & then some

Our lil' man is 8 months old already!  He is growing fast and getting VERY heavy...definitely helping build up my biceps.  His personality is emerging more and more...he is ornery.  He hates to get dressed and is quite hard to wrestle...he thinks it is a game and giggles as I struggle to hold him down.  He is getting all over the house, cruising along furniture and occasionally making it up onto the fireplace.  We are giving him more table food and he eats whatever we put in front of him...go figure!  I'm just thankful that he doesn't seem to be a picky eater like Sissy.  She is sometimes willing to try new food, but still very stubborn and would live on mac n' cheese if you let her.
Not much else new here...hence, the lack of blog posts.  The pics show the rest of our happenings.

I don't sit still very long, so you better snap quick, mom!

Kade lookin' tough

Mr. Blue Eyes

Miss Brown Eyes

At least 1 of ya is excited!

Bath time is SO fun!

Well, at least you didn't have any food in your mouth, Kade.

I play with very expensive toys

Sis' creation with the help of Aunt Steph

Aunt Tanya with Caelan

Sis did her own hair

Sis thought the van needed a washing

Rockin' the new boots!

Sis!....There is a giant raccoon behind you!!!!

Enjoying the Radcliffe park with Grandma Renae

Sis tyring to keep her hair out of her face on a windy day. 

Feel the love!

Sis is feeding her puppy and striking a pose for the camera

Parker at Grayson's 2nd birthday party

Sis and Papa Jon

Grayson and Alexandria playing with his new train

I love real food!!

Papa Mike doing some weight lifting

Nana Pam with her loves

This is my sweet face