Sunday, January 15, 2012

Holden Turns 2!

Luckily we were able to make it to Holden's birthday party this year!  We missed his 1st birthday because Alexandria had the flu and how ironic that she get it this year again...just a few days sooner.  Holden's party was last Sunday and Alexandria was home sick last Thursday and then Heath and I were both ill on Saturday.  Not fun!  We were all good to go on Sunday though and sing to Holdie in-person.  Last year we had to do it over Skype.  Holden had a sports themed party this year and got tons of neat toys.  We got Holden this puppy that barks and walks around, which he was really excited about and so was Sis!  It was pretty cute, every time Alexandria had it Holden would come over and take it from her and "hide" it.  She didn't quite understand what was going on, but later on he let her play with it.  She just loves puppies...and no, Uncle Brandon, we don't need a real one!  Steph did awesome once again with Holdie's cakes and we also had homemade ice cream which was delicious!  Happy 2nd Birthday, Holden!!!

The big 2.
Sis couponing.
Sis capitalized on a nice January day.
Photos by Kade.
A thank you for Great Grandpa Dougan.  We sent this picture to him. He has Presto which is a printer without a computer.

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